YouTube Screen Saver

This is how i've created a screen saver for my windows 10 machine

My goal was a screen saver that will be:

  1. . Beautiful
  2. . Always changing
  3. . Quiet
  4. . Simple to implement

Installation and configuration:

  • f not installed yet, download and install VLC Media Player
  • find a nice high quality video in Youtube, preferebly long one
  • open Notepad or any other text editor
  • copy and paste the following code:

@echo Off
 SET VLC="c:\Program Files\VLC\vlc" --fullscreen --loop --no-audio --start-time=
 @set /a bottomlimit = 1
 @set /a upperlimit =  Length of the video in seconds
 @set /a RND = %bottomlimit% + %RANDOM% %% ((%upperlimit%*0.75) - %bottomlimit% + 1)
 SET LINK= "full url of the YouTube video"
 SET FullLink= %VLC%%RND%%LINK%

1. Verify the path of VLC application.
2. Make sure you replace the remarks in red with the URL and the length of the video.
3. If you want sound to be played, simply select the --no-audio switch from the second line of the script.

  • Save the file to a sub-folder of the users profile folder (I used Pictures folder)
  • Download a small app called Screen Launcher
  • Open screen saves settings and select the Screen Launcher
  • In the settings of screen Launcher selectthe batch file you created previously
  • Adjust the time before Screen saver starts
  • You may test the screensaver or click OK and wait for it to start by itself

The main idea behind the code is that whenever the screen saved starts, the script will randomly select a number (as seconds) and start the selected YouTube video from this point in time.

Want a sample for a good movie for screen saver? 
the following is ny current screen saver


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